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In 2010 Epiel revenue has grown 47%

In 2010 Epiel revenue has grown 47%

  • 01.02.2011

    In 2010 the company recorded revenue growth of 47% over 2009 exceeding the record revenue level of 2008.

    Significant sales growth in 2010 was largely driven by intensive recovery of the world semiconductor market and Russian microelectronics industry in particular.

    Before the global financial crisis hit the world semiconductor market grew at about 9-10% annually. Gartner Inc. reports that in 2008 and 2009 the market suffered a decline of 4.4% and 10.4% accordingly, but in 2010 it recovered showing growth rate of 31.3%. In 2011 growth will stabilize: the world semiconductor market is projected to grow 4.7%.

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